三名嫌疑人,包括两名青少年,在波特兰劫车和坠机后被捕。 Three suspects, including two teens, arrested after carjacking and crash in Portland.
三名嫌疑人,包括两名青少年和一名27岁名叫朱利安·D·莱恩的男子,在东南波特兰被劫车后被捕。 Three suspects, including two teenagers and a 27-year-old man named Julian D. Lane, were arrested after a carjacking in Southeast Portland. 嫌犯持枪抢劫一辆汽车,后来在试图躲避警察时撞上一辆垃圾车。 The suspects stole a car at gunpoint and later crashed into a garbage truck while trying to evade police. Lane面临包括一级抢劫和试图躲避一名警官在内的指控,而青少年则被指控犯有一级抢劫罪。 Lane faces charges including first-degree robbery and attempting to elude a police officer, while the teenagers are charged with first-degree robbery. 波特兰警察局正在调查这起事件。 The Portland Police Bureau is investigating the incident.