Tom Cotton参议员(R-Arkansas)成为参议员 参议院的3名共和党领袖。 Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) became the No. 3 Republican leader in the Senate.
Tom Cotton参议员(R-Arkansas)已获得足够选票, Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) has secured enough votes to become the No. 美国参议院的3位共和党领袖,称为GOP会议主席。 3 Republican leader in the US Senate, known as the GOP Conference chair. Cotton选择留在参议院作为共和党、保守的GOP参议员和特朗普政府之间的桥梁, Despite being considered for President-elect Donald Trump's Cabinet, Cotton chose to stay in the Senate to act as a bridge between establishment Republicans, conservative GOP senators, and the Trump administration, according to a report from Axios.