新西兰警方正在协调一项重大行动, 准备在惠灵顿举行大规模和平抗议游行。 Police in New Zealand are coordinating a major operation for a large, peaceful protest march to Wellington.
新西兰警方已设立一个主要行动中心, 管理11月11日起从北地到惠灵顿的和平抗议游行, Police in New Zealand have set up a Major Operations Centre to manage a peaceful protest march, called a hīkoi, from Northland to Wellington, starting November 11th. 这次游行预计将在11月18日至19日之间结束, 将获得警方支援, The march, expected to end between November 18th and 19th, will have police support to ensure public safety and minimize disruptions. 内务部将与地方领导人和理事会协调,警察预计将举行一次有许多参与者参加的和平活动。 The MOC will coordinate with local leaders and councils, and police anticipate a peaceful event with many participants.