一名尼日利亚男子因强奸和殴打妻子导致流产而被判处 13 年徒刑。 A Nigerian man is sentenced to 13 years for raping and assaulting his wife, causing a miscarriage.
一名 41 岁的尼日利亚男子因多次强奸和殴打妻子,导致她流产而被判处 13 年监禁。 A 41-year-old Nigerian man was sentenced to 13 years in jail for repeatedly raping and assaulting his wife, causing her to suffer a miscarriage. 他还被判威胁要杀死他的妻子和她的姐姐,或对他们造成严重伤害,当时他们试图收回她的“彩礼”以结束婚姻。 He was also convicted of threatening to kill or cause serious harm to his wife and her sister when they tried to reclaim her "bride price" to end the marriage. 法院认定他犯有八项强奸罪、四项袭击罪和两项威胁杀人罪。 The court found him guilty of eight counts of rape, four counts of assault, and two counts of threatening to kill. 法官下令对释放后进行两年的康复和监测监管。 The judge ordered two years of post-release supervision for rehabilitation and monitoring.