27岁的Bridjid Tamihana因在新西兰严重虐待儿童被判处9年9个月监禁。 27-year-old Bridjid Tamihana sentenced to 9 years, 9 months for severe child abuse in New Zealand.
27岁的Bridjid Tamihana因在新西兰对一名2-3岁儿童进行一系列可怕的暴力攻击,造成严重的脑损伤、牙齿骨折和脊椎骨折,被判处9年9个月9个月监禁。 27-year-old Bridjid Tamihana was sentenced to 9 years, 9 months in prison for a horrific series of violent attacks on a 2-3 year old child in New Zealand, resulting in severe brain injuries, broken teeth, and spinal fractures. Tamihana认罪并承担全部责任。 Tamihana pleaded guilty and accepted full responsibility. 皇家检察官将虐待描述为“比一些死亡还糟糕”。 The Crown Solicitor described the abuse as "worse than some fatalities." Tamihana的律师主张减刑,但法官驳回了因忏悔或承认罪行而给予的进一步折扣。 Tamihana's lawyer argued for a reduced sentence, but the judge rejected further discounts for remorse or acknowledgment of the crimes.