包括美国航空公司在内的主要航空公司出于安全考虑取消了飞往以色列的航班。 Major airlines, including American Airlines, cancel flights to Israel due to security concerns.
几家主要的欧洲航空公司,包括法国航空公司、ITA航空公司和爱琴海航空公司,由于区域紧张局势加剧,取消或延长了它们往返以色列的航班的暂停。 Several major European airlines, including Air France, ITA Airways, and Aegean Airlines, have canceled or extended suspensions of their flights to and from Israel due to heightened regional tensions. 美国航空公司也取消了到2025年9月的航班。 American Airlines has also canceled flights until September 2025. 这些取消行动影响到多条路线,其起因是安全关切增加,以及最近发生的涉及以色列旅行者在欧洲的暴力事件。 The cancellations affect multiple routes and stem from increased security concerns and recent violent incidents involving Israeli travelers in Europe.