法国航空公司出于安全考虑暂停飞往特拉维夫和贝鲁特的航班。 Air France suspended flights to Tel Aviv and Beirut due to security concerns.
法国航空公司出于安全考虑,星期日和星期一暂停飞往特拉维夫和贝鲁特的航班,有可能根据中东局势延长航班。 Air France suspended flights to Tel Aviv and Beirut on Sunday and Monday due to security concerns, with the potential for extension based on the Middle East situation. 以前,法国航空公司在7月29日至8月15日期间停止了贝鲁特航班。 Previously, Air France had halted Beirut flights between July 29 and August 15. 汉莎航空公司将其贝鲁特飞行暂停延长到9月底,直到9月2日才飞往特拉维夫或德黑兰。 Lufthansa extended its Beirut flight suspension to the end of September and will not fly to Tel Aviv or Tehran until September 2.