由于中东紧张局势,国际航空公司暂停或改变飞往贝鲁特特拉维夫的航班。 International airlines suspend or alter flights to Tel Aviv, Beirut due to Middle East tensions.
由于中东紧张局势升级,许多国际航空公司暂停或改变飞往特拉维夫和贝鲁特等重要目的地的航班。 Due to escalating tensions in the Middle East, numerous international airlines have suspended or altered flights to key destinations like Tel Aviv and Beirut. 主要航空公司,包括法国航空公司、汉莎航空公司和阿联酋航空公司,已取消或推迟服务,有些暂停期延长到2025年。 Major carriers, including Air France, Lufthansa, and Emirates, have canceled or delayed services, with some suspensions extending into 2025. 局势仍然动荡不定,促使航空公司在恢复运营前评估安全关切。 The situation remains fluid, prompting airlines to evaluate security concerns before resuming operations.