巴西亚马逊河流域的严重干旱威胁到Pirarucu鱼的捕获,6 000名渔民受到影响。 Severe drought in Brazil's Amazonas threatens pirarucu fish catch, impacting 6,000 fishermen.
巴西亚马逊州两年的严重干旱威胁着巨型比拉鲁库鱼的可持续捕获, 影响约6000名经授权的渔民。 Two years of severe drought in Brazil's Amazonas state are threatening the sustainable catch of the giant pirarucu fish, affecting about 6,000 authorized fishermen. 去年的捕捞量只达到配额的70%,今年的产量可能进一步下降。 Last year's catch reached only 70% of the quota, and this year's yield may decline further. 渔民在运输渔获物时面临不断上升的成本和挑战。 Fishermen face rising costs and challenges in transporting their catch. Pirarucu Coltivo Pirarucu正在敦促政府提供援助和制定适应战略,以减轻气候变化对其生计的影响。 The Coletivo Pirarucu is urging government aid and adaptation strategies to mitigate climate change impacts on their livelihoods.