研究显示,亚马逊地区水产养殖可以促进营养和经济,同时减少毁林。 Study suggests Amazon aquaculture could boost nutrition and economy while cutting deforestation.
一项关于自然可持续性的新研究表明,在亚马逊地区扩大水产养殖可以带来重大的营养和经济效益,同时与放牧相比,减少环境损害。 A new study in Nature Sustainability indicates that expanding aquaculture in the Amazon could offer significant nutritional and economic benefits while reducing environmental harm compared to cattle grazing. 水产养殖产生的温室气体要少得多,使用的土地也比养牛要少得多,而养牛是砍伐森林的主要原因。 Aquaculture produces far fewer greenhouse gases and uses much less land than cattle farming, which is a major cause of deforestation. 然而,研究也指出了潜在入侵物种和土地使用问题等挑战。 However, the study also notes challenges like potential invasive species and land use issues. 研究人员提出了可持续增长的五项原则,包括使用退化的土地和改善生产者获得技术的机会。 Researchers propose five principles for sustainable growth, including using degraded land and improving technology access for producers.