2023年,Ernesto Rojas在哥伦比亚出口了526吨装饰性鱼类,在可持续性关切和监管努力下,产生了600万美元。 526 tons of ornamental fish exported by Ernesto Rojas in Colombia in 2023, generating $6 million, amid sustainability concerns and regulatory efforts.
在哥伦比亚的伊尼里达,埃内斯托·罗哈斯 (Ernesto Rojas) 从事观赏鱼贸易 50 年,2023 年出口了约 526 吨鱼,创造了 600 万美元的收入。 In Inirida, Colombia, Ernesto Rojas has spent 50 years in the ornamental fish trade, exporting around 526 tons of fish in 2023, generating $6 million. 该地区供应哥伦比亚60%的核定物种。 The region supplies 60% of Colombia's authorized species. 批评者强调可持续性问题,而支持者则主张提供贸易援助保护生境,并提出了非法伐木的替代办法。 While critics highlight sustainability concerns, proponents argue the trade aids habitat conservation and offers an alternative to illegal logging. 捕鱼禁令的管制旨在保护鱼类人口,世界野生动植物基金会倡导可持续做法,使当地社区和环境受益。 Regulatory fishing bans aim to protect fish populations, with the World Wildlife Fund advocating for sustainable practices to benefit local communities and the environment.