亚马逊地区的严重干旱影响到巴西、哥伦比亚和秘鲁的420,000多名儿童。 A severe drought in the Amazon affects over 420,000 children in Brazil, Colombia, and Peru.
据儿童基金会报告,亚马逊流域的严重干旱正在影响巴西、哥伦比亚和秘鲁的420 000多名儿童。 A severe drought in the Amazon basin is impacting over 420,000 children in Brazil, Colombia, and Peru, as reported by UNICEF. 干旱扰乱了供水和河流运输,导致粮食无保障,儿童营养不良和传染病的风险增加。 The drought disrupts water supplies and river transport, leading to food insecurity and heightened risks of child malnutrition and infectious diseases. 仅在巴西,就有1 700多所学校和760个医疗诊所因河水位低而关闭。 In Brazil alone, over 1,700 schools and 760 medical clinics have closed due to low river levels. 儿童基金会寻求1 000万美元以提供基本援助,将干旱归咎于2023-2024年厄尔尼诺现象和气候变化。 UNICEF seeks $10 million to provide essential aid, attributing the drought to the 2023-2024 El Niño phenomenon and climate change.