19岁的Gursimran Kaur于10月19日被发现死在哈利法克斯的沃尔玛烤炉中。 Nineteen-year-old Gursimran Kaur was found dead in a Walmart oven in Halifax on October 19.
19岁的Gursimran Kaur于10月19日在Halifax Walmart的一家商业烤炉中被发现死亡。 Nineteen-year-old Gursimran Kaur was found dead in a commercial oven at a Halifax Walmart on October 19. 在她死后,新斯科舍省劳工部发布了一项停工令,现已解除,允许沃尔玛着手拆除烤箱,作为翻修的一部分。 Following her death, the Nova Scotia Department of Labour issued a stop-work order, which has since been lifted, allowing Walmart to proceed with removing the oven as part of renovations. Halifax地区警察和劳工官员的调查正在进行中。 Investigations by Halifax Regional Police and labor officials are ongoing. Kaur的家人从印度带来亲戚, A significant fundraising effort has supported Kaur's family in bringing relatives from India.