围巾被机器困住后, 女性在印度寺庙死亡; 政府承诺为家庭提供援助。 Woman dies at Indian temple after scarf gets caught in machine; government promises aid to family.
一名30岁的妇女Rajni Khatri在Ujjain的Mahakaleshwar寺庙食品中心死亡,因为她的围巾被一台土豆制作机卡住。 A 30-year-old woman, Rajni Khatri, died at the Mahakaleshwar Temple's food center in Ujjain after her scarf got caught in a potato-peeling machine. 尽管她被匆忙赶到医院,但无法救她。 Despite being rushed to a hospital, she could not be saved. 政府承诺向她的家属提供财政援助,验尸后将确认死亡的确切原因。 The government has promised financial assistance to her family, and a post-mortem is pending to confirm the exact cause of death. 事件的一名证人也生病并住院。 A witness to the incident also fell ill and was hospitalized.