Halifax地区警察局正在调查西Halifax Walmart的雇员突然死亡事件。 Halifax Regional Police are investigating a sudden employee death at a west Halifax Walmart.
Halifax地区警察正在调查西Halifax的Walmart突然死亡事件,证实死者是雇员。 Halifax Regional Police are investigating a sudden death at a Walmart in west Halifax, confirming the deceased was an employee. 商店暂时关闭,警察要求公众避开该地区。 The store is temporarily closed, and police have requested the public to avoid the area. 沃尔玛为工作人员提供24/7的虚拟护理和现场悲伤心理咨询。 Walmart is providing staff with 24/7 virtual care and on-site grief counseling. 劳工部了解这一情况,但关于这一事件的进一步详情仍未披露。 The Labour Department is aware of the situation, but further details about the incident remain undisclosed.