Lakeysha Day是一名前VA雇员,因伪造的PPP贷款申请被以电线欺诈罪起诉。 Lakeysha Day, a former VA employee, was indicted for wire fraud over a false PPP loan application.
Lakeysha Day,43岁,美国退伍军人事务部北卡罗来纳州前雇员,被控犯有电线欺诈罪,以获得2021年20 000美元的Paycheck保护方案贷款。 Lakeysha Day, a 43-year-old former employee of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs from North Carolina, was indicted for allegedly committing wire fraud to secure a $20,000 Paycheck Protection Program loan in 2021. 当天的申请错误地声称她的企业拥有大量工资和利润。 Day's application falsely claimed her business had substantial payroll and profits. 然而,她2019年的纳税申报表没有反映她贷款申请中所述的收入或开支。 However, her 2019 tax return did not reflect the income or expenses stated in her loan application. 她面对的是电线欺诈 She faces one count of wire fraud.