在索马里的一次冲突中,在对al-Shabab好战分子的袭击中,11名士兵被打死,20人受伤。 In a clash in Somalia, 11 soldiers were killed and 20 injured in an attack on al-Shabab militants.
最近在索马里Wayaanta附近发生的冲突中,11名政府士兵在对al-Shabab民兵的攻击中丧生,20多人受伤。 In a recent clash near Wayaanta, Somalia, 11 government soldiers were killed and over 20 injured during an attack on al-Shabab militants. 战斗发生在基斯马尤西南,也造成20多名武装分子死亡。 The fighting, which occurred southwest of Kismayo, resulted in the deaths of more than 20 militants as well. 尽管索马里政府正在对其进行军事行动, 但与基地组织有联系的沙巴布组织自2006年起与索马里政府发生冲突, 仍构成重大威胁. Al-Shabab, linked to al-Qaeda, has been engaged in conflict with Somali governments since 2006 and continues to pose significant threats despite ongoing military efforts against them.