50 名青年党武装分子在摩加迪沙附近遭索马里政府军伏击身亡,5 名士兵失踪。 50 Al-Shabaab militants killed by Somali government forces in ambush near Mogadishu; 5 soldiers lost.
索马里政府军在首都摩加迪沙北部的战斗中与“青年党”武装分子交火,击毙近50名武装分子,并有5名士兵丧生。 Somali government forces fought and killed nearly 50 Al-Shabaab militants in a battle north of the capital Mogadishu, resulting in the loss of five soldiers. 政府军和当地民兵接到有关加勒古杜德地区 Ceeldheer 发生袭击的消息,对武装分子进行了伏击,还进行了空袭。 The government troops and local militia were tipped off about an attack in Ceeldheer, Galgadud region, and set an ambush, with airstrikes also carried out against the militants. 青年党声称对 Ceeldheer 袭击事件负责。 Al-Shabaab claimed responsibility for the attack on Ceeldheer.