Brendan Ogle就WRC驳回他对联合工会的歧视申诉的裁决提出上诉。 Brendan Ogle appeals a WRC decision dismissing his discrimination claim against the Unite union.
Brendan Ogle是一名工会主义者和癌症幸存者,他正在对工作场所关系委员会(WRC)的决定提出上诉,该决定驳回了他针对联合工会提出的歧视申诉。 Brendan Ogle, a trade unionist and cancer survivor, is appealing the Workplace Relations Commission's (WRC) decision that dismissed his discrimination claim against the Unite union. Ogle声称,在治疗喉癌后返回工作岗位后,他被抛在一边。 Ogle alleges he was sidelined upon returning to work after treatment for throat cancer. WRC以前认为他的说法不可信。 The WRC previously found his claims implausible. 劳工法院将再次审查他的上诉,以确保癌症幸存者在工作场所得到公平待遇。 His appeal will be reviewed anew by the Labour Court to ensure fair treatment for cancer survivors in the workplace.