被诊断出患有癌症的护理学生娜塔莎·布拉德肖 (Natasha Bradshaw) 以 25,000 英镑的价格解决了针对贝尔法斯特女王大学的残疾歧视案件。 Nursing student Natasha Bradshaw, diagnosed with cancer, settled a disability discrimination case against Queen's University Belfast for £25,000.
贝尔法斯特女王大学 (Queen's University Belfast) 的前护理专业学生娜塔莎·布拉德肖 (Natasha Bradshaw) 被诊断出患有癌症,她以 25,000 英镑的价格和解了一起残疾歧视案件。 Natasha Bradshaw, a former nursing student at Queen's University Belfast diagnosed with cancer, settled a disability discrimination case for £25,000. 她在住院期间面临重大挑战,导致她退出该方案。 She faced significant challenges during her hospital placements, leading to her withdrawal from the program. 平等委员会支持她的要求,强调需要对残疾学生进行合理的调整。 The Equality Commission supported her claim, emphasizing the need for reasonable adjustments for disabled students. 该大学承认这一状况,并与委员会合作改进其平等机会政策。 The university acknowledged the situation and is collaborating with the Commission to improve its equal opportunities policies.