一名美国男子在德国被捕,据称他为中国进行间谍活动并分享军事秘密。 An American man was arrested in Germany for allegedly spying for China and sharing military secrets.
一名美国男子被确认为Martin D.,在德国被捕,罪名是替中国从事间谍活动。 An American man, identified as Martin D., was arrested in Germany on charges of espionage for China. 他被指控向中国情报机构提供敏感的美国军事情报,他是在德国为美国武装部队工作时获得的。 He is accused of offering sensitive U.S. military information to Chinese intelligence, which he obtained while working for the U.S. Armed Forces in Germany. 这次逮捕是继今年一系列类似案件之后发生的,引起人们对来自中国的间谍活动风险增加的担忧,促使德国当局发出警告。 This arrest follows a series of similar cases this year, raising concerns about increased espionage risks from China, prompting warnings from German authorities.