中国国民因涉嫌为中国情报部门进行间谍活动而在莱比锡/霍尔机场被捕。 Chinese national at Leipzig/Halle Airport arrested on suspicion of spying for Chinese intelligence service.
Yaqi X.是受雇于德国莱比锡/霍尔机场的一名中国国民,因涉嫌为中国情报部门进行间谍活动而被捕。 Yaqi X., a Chinese national employed at Leipzig/Halle Airport in Germany, has been arrested on suspicion of spying for a Chinese intelligence service. 据称,她向四月份被捕的间谍江国嫌疑人传递了有关航班、货运(包括军事装备)和乘客的敏感信息。 She allegedly transmitted sensitive information about flights, freight—including military equipment—and passengers to suspected spy Jian Guo, who was arrested in April. 这一事件凸显了德国和中国之间在对间谍和经济关系的关切下的持续紧张局势。 This incident highlights ongoing tensions between Germany and China amid concerns over espionage and economic relations.