市委员会成员Wanda Smith提议将克拉克斯维尔-蒙特戈梅里县最大的酒类商店数量从14家增加到16家。 City Council member Wanda Smith proposed to increase the maximum number of liquor stores in Clarksville-Montgomery County from 14 to 16.
市委员会成员Wanda Smith提议修订法令,将克拉克斯维尔-蒙特戈梅里县的酒类商店数量限制在16家,从原来的14家增加到16家,这是因为对酒后驾车事件和事故表示关切。 City Council member Wanda Smith proposed an amended ordinance to limit the number of liquor stores in Clarksville-Montgomery County to 16, up from the original 14, following concerns about DUI incidents and accidents. 理事会将在9月5日的正式会议上进一步讨论该修正案。 The council will discuss the amendment further at their formal meeting on September 5th. 一些成员对政府越权和对现有酒店业主的潜在影响表示关切。 Some members have expressed concerns about government overreach and potential impact on existing liquor store owners.