Luzerne县在以混合投票方式解决问题后,恢复预先扫描邮件投票。 Luzerne County resumes pre-canvassing mail ballots after resolving issues with mixed ballots.
宾夕法尼亚州Luzerne县在以混合投票方式解决了一起问题后,恢复了第119州议院区预先抽取邮件的投票。 Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, has resumed pre-canvassing mail ballots for the 119th State House District after resolving an issue with mixed ballots. Alec Ryncavage共和党的不正确拼写选票被无意中列入处理过程中正确的选票中。 Incorrectly spelled ballots for Republican Alec Ryncavage were inadvertently included with the correct ones during processing. 县现在正在整理选票 同时确保正确的选票被计数 The county is now sorting out the ballots while ensuring the correct ones are counted. 两位候选人,Ryncavage和民主党人Megan Kocher都对这一局势对选举的影响表示关切。 Both candidates, Ryncavage and Democrat Megan Kocher, have raised concerns about the electoral impact of this situation.