根据美国宾夕法尼亚州公民自由联盟的诉讼, 卢泽恩县恢复了11月5日选举的邮票投票箱. Luzerne County reinstates mail ballot drop boxes for the November 5 election following a lawsuit by the ACLU of Pennsylvania.
卢塞恩县将恢复 11 月 5 日选举的邮寄选票投递箱,此前县长 Romilda Crocamo 出于安全考虑推翻了她之前的反对意见。 Luzerne County will reinstate mail ballot drop boxes for the November 5 election after County Manager Romilda Crocamo reversed her earlier opposition due to safety concerns. 这一变化是在宾夕法尼亚州公民自由联盟提起诉讼之后发生的,该联盟辩称,Crocamo没有权力去掉箱子。 This change follows a lawsuit by the ACLU of Pennsylvania, which argued Crocamo lacked authority to eliminate the boxes. 宾夕法尼亚州总检察长米歇尔·亨利证实,县选举委员会对投放箱政策拥有专属控制权,因此决定恢复这些政策。 Pennsylvania Attorney General Michelle Henry confirmed that the county election board has exclusive control over drop box policies, leading to the decision to restore them.