民主党在宾夕法尼亚州众议院保持多数席位。 Democrats retain majority in the Pennsylvania House.
宾夕法尼亚州第140州议会选区的特别选举将决定州议会的控制权,获胜者将打破目前101-101的僵局。 A special election in Pennsylvania's 140th state House district will decide the control of the state House, with the winner breaking the current 101-101 deadlock. 巴克斯县的这个选区比整个县整体更倾向于民主党,被认为是 11 月总统选举前郊区选民的一个关键指标。 This district in Bucks County, which leans more Democratic than the county overall, is considered a key indicator for suburban voters ahead of the November presidential election. 共和党人坎迪斯·卡巴纳斯和民主党人吉姆·普罗科皮亚克正在争夺空缺席位。 Republican Candace Cabanas and Democrat Jim Prokopiak are vying for the vacant seat.