明尼苏达州法里巴尔县 23A 州代表选区的 17 张选票由于国务卿办公室的打印错误而导致政党名单不正确。 17 ballots in Faribault County, Minnesota's state representative district 23A race had incorrect party listings due to a printing error attributed to the Secretary of State's Office.
美国明尼苏达州法里波特县在23A选区选举中遇到了选票打印错误, 共和党代表佩吉·贝内特和对手乔·斯塔洛奇的党派在17张选票上错误列出. Faribault County, Minnesota, faced a ballot printing error during the state representative district 23A race, incorrectly listing the parties of Republican Rep. Peggy Bennett and opponent Joe Staloch on 17 ballots. 这个问题在早期投票的第一天就发现,是由国务秘书办公室负责的。 This issue, discovered on the first day of early voting, is attributed to the Secretary of State's Office. 县官员正在寻求法院干预,以确保计票不正确的选票,而附近的县则有准确的选票。 County officials are seeking court intervention to ensure votes on incorrect ballots are counted, while nearby counties had accurate ballots.