民主党副总统候选人明尼苏达州州长蒂姆·沃尔兹在兰卡斯特县的竞选活动中没有回答记者的问题. During a Lancaster County, PA campaign event, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, a Democratic VP candidate, did not take questions from reporters.
在宾夕法尼亚州兰开斯特县的一次竞选活动中,记者被禁止向明尼苏达州州长蒂姆·瓦尔兹(民主党副总统候选人)提问。 During a campaign event in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, reporters were barred from asking questions to Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, a Democratic vice presidential candidate. WPMT FOX43记者Alyssa Kraz强调了对社交媒体的限制,指出竞选工作人员指示记者不要扰乱节目。 WPMT FOX43 reporter Alyssa Kratz highlighted the restriction on social media, noting that campaign staff instructed journalists not to disrupt the program. 这一事件引发了关于新闻自由的辩论,尤其是在沃尔茨的竞选团队因限制媒体互动而面临审查的情况下。 This incident has sparked debate about press freedom, especially as Walz's campaign has faced scrutiny for limiting media interaction.