美国总统大选可能会对日本经济、日元和股市产生重大影响。 The US presidential election may significantly impact Japan's economy, yen, and stock market.
美国总统大选可能会对日本经济产生巨大影响,尤其是日元和股票市场。 The US presidential election could greatly influence Japan's economy, particularly the yen and stock market. 卡玛拉·哈里斯 (Kamala Harris) 获胜可能会通过持续的经济政策和潜在的美联储降息来使日元走强。 A Kamala Harris win might strengthen the yen through continued economic policies and potential Federal Reserve interest rate cuts. 相反,唐纳德·特朗普的胜利可能会暂时提振美国经济,但由于拟议的关税而给日本股市带来风险。 Conversely, a Donald Trump victory could temporarily boost the US economy but risks Japanese stocks due to proposed tariffs. 总体而言,预计选举结果将增加日本的市场波动性。 Overall, the election outcome is expected to increase market volatility in Japan.