美国的情报警告说,俄罗斯是2024年选举的完整性的最大威胁。 U.S. intelligence warns that Russia is the top threat to the integrity of the 2024 election.
美国情报界警告说,俄罗斯是对2024年总统选举的完整性的主要威胁。 The U.S. Intelligence Community warns that Russia is the leading threat to the integrity of the 2024 presidential election. 包括联邦调查局在内的一些机构报告说,俄罗斯行为者散布虚假信息,如假视频,以破坏公众信任并挑起美国人之间的分裂。 Agencies, including the FBI, report that Russian actors are spreading disinformation, such as fake videos, to undermine public trust and provoke divisions among Americans. 他们预计这些努力将在选举日之前和之后加强。 They anticipate these efforts will intensify leading up to and following Election Day. 伊朗也被视为一个严重的外国影响威胁。 Iran is also noted as a significant foreign influence threat.