2022年美国大选增加了外国对手的风险, 国内极端分子在网络上以选举结果为攻击目标, 2022 US election's heightened risk from foreign adversaries and domestic extremists' disinformation campaigns targeting election results online.
在11月5日美国大选后, 情报分析员和官员警告外国对手与国内极端分子的造谣活动会增加风险, In the wake of the November 5 US election, intelligence analysts and officials warn of heightened risks from disinformation campaigns by foreign adversaries and domestic extremists. 美国人在网上寻求结果的关键时期,可能被利用来传播误导信息,煽动现实世界的行动。 The critical period when Americans seek results online could be exploited to spread misleading information, inciting real-world actions. 这一威胁因近距离比赛而加剧,可能破坏公众对选举进程的信心,这与2020年选举和1月6日国会府袭击事件相呼应。 This threat, exacerbated by close races, could undermine public confidence in the electoral process, echoing events from the 2020 election and the January 6 Capitol attack.