土耳其免除巴勒斯坦对以色列的贸易禁令,在冲突期间增加巴勒斯坦的出口。 Turkey exempted Palestine from its trade ban on Israel, boosting Palestinian exports amid the conflict.
巴勒斯坦国民经济部长穆罕默德·阿穆尔(Mohammed al-Amour)宣布,在土耳其因加沙冲突而对以色列实行贸易禁令之后,对巴勒斯坦的出口有所增加。 Palestine's Minister of National Economy, Mohammed al-Amour, announced that exports to Palestine increased after Turkey imposed a trade ban on Israel due to the Gaza conflict. 应巴勒斯坦的请求,土耳其免除禁令,并建立了一个新的贸易机制。 Following a request from Palestine, Turkey exempted it from the ban and established a new trade mechanism. 土耳其向巴勒斯坦的出口大幅度增加,但新的批准程序旨在防止企业规避禁运。 Turkish exports to Palestine rose significantly, but a new approval process aims to prevent businesses from circumventing the embargo. 它的效力仍然不确定。 Its effectiveness remains uncertain.