关于Panguna矿的报告显示,布干维尔的环境和人权受到严重破坏。 A report on the Panguna Mine reveals severe environmental and human rights damage in Bougainville.
关于巴布亚新几内亚布干维尔潘古纳矿的报告定于11月下旬发表,其中详细说明该矿在1972年至1989年期间运行并在1990年代引发内战,对环境和人权造成的重大损害。 A report on the Panguna Mine in Bougainville, Papua New Guinea, is set for release in late November, detailing significant environmental and human rights damage caused by the mine, which operated from 1972 to 1989 and sparked a civil war in the 1990s. 草案在Rio Tinto的资助下,表明地方社区存在严重污染、基础设施恶化和健康问题。 Funded by Rio Tinto, the draft indicates severe contamination, deteriorating infrastructure, and health issues among local communities. 报告旨在确定影响并提出可能的解决方案。 The report aims to identify impacts and propose potential solutions.