前RTÉ政治记者David Davin-Power,72岁,在长期患病后去世。 Former RTÉ political correspondent David Davin-Power, 72, passed away after a long illness.
David Davin-Power, 一位受人尊敬的前RTE政治记者, 在长期患病后72岁去世。 David Davin-Power, a respected former RTÉ political correspondent, passed away at 72 after a long illness. 他的葬礼弥撒在都柏林圣文森特·德保罗教堂举行,有迈克尔·希金斯总统出席。 His funeral mass, attended by President Michael D. Higgins, was held at St Vincent de Paul Church in Dublin. 他以“民主党”著称,在发起爱尔兰广播电视公司的早安爱尔兰节目和报道北爱尔兰和平进程方面发挥了关键作用。 Known as 'DDP', he played a key role in launching RTÉ's Morning Ireland and reporting on the Northern Ireland peace process. 他的妻子Dearbhla和五个孩子活了下来,他为家人和新闻事业献出献身精神而备受纪念。 He is survived by his wife Dearbhla and five children, and was remembered for his dedication to family and journalism.