以报导北爱尔兰的麻烦闻名的退伍军人记者肯·里德(Ken Reid)在与白血病作斗争后于69岁死亡。 Veteran journalist Ken Reid, known for covering Northern Ireland's Troubles, died at 69 after battling leukemia.
北爱尔兰退伍军人记者Ken Reid, 69岁,在与白血病作斗争后去世。 Veteran Northern Ireland journalist Ken Reid, aged 69, has passed away after battling leukemia. Reid长期担任UTV的政治编辑, Reid报导了问题与和平进程, 采访了七位英国首相及美国总统比尔·克林顿和巴拉克·奥巴马。 Known for his long tenure as UTV's political editor, Reid covered the Troubles and the peace process, interviewing seven UK prime ministers and US presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. 同事们赞扬他的公正性和献身精神,他因为新闻服务而获颁总理勋章。 Colleagues praised his impartiality and dedication, and he was awarded the Chancellor's Medal for services to journalism.