58岁的爱尔兰广播电台播音员Michael Reade在宣布他的终期癌症诊断后去世。 58-year-old Irish radio broadcaster Michael Reade passed away after announcing his terminal cancer diagnosis.
爱尔兰电台播音员Michael Reade在一周前宣布他的绝症癌症诊断后于58岁去世。 Irish radio broadcaster Michael Reade passed away at 58 after announcing his terminal cancer diagnosis just weeks prior. Rede因在LMFM上担任21年任期而受到尊重,因为他致力于社会正义和公共服务。 Known for his 21-year tenure on LMFM, Reade was respected for his commitment to social justice and public service. 他在生病期间的积极态度引起了许多人的共鸣,促使包括总理西蒙·哈里斯 (Simon Harris) 在内的朋友和同事衷心致敬。 His positive outlook during his illness resonated with many, prompting heartfelt tributes from friends and colleagues, including Taoiseach Simon Harris. Reade 的妻子、儿子和大家庭在世。 Reade is survived by his wife, son, and extended family.