24岁的Daniel Schmidt因据称在Orland Park殴打一名选举法官而被指控犯有严重殴打罪。 Daniel Schmidt, 24, was charged with aggravated battery for allegedly punching an election judge in Orland Park.
据称,24岁的Daniel Schmidt在Orland Park投票站殴打一名选举法官后被指控犯有多项罪行,包括严重殴打。 Daniel Schmidt, 24, was charged with multiple offenses, including aggravated battery, after allegedly punching an election judge at an Orland Park polling station. 事件发生时,施密特试图绕过投票线,拒绝遵守指示。 The incident occurred when Schmidt tried to bypass the voting line and refused to comply with instructions. 他当着法官的面殴打法官,导致他受到证人的克制,直到警察到来。 He struck the judge in the face, leading to his restraint by witnesses until police arrived. Schmidt面临与殴打60岁以上个人、拒捕和扰乱治安行为有关的指控。 Schmidt faces charges related to battery against individuals over 60, resisting arrest, and disorderly conduct.