一家新西兰护理设施面临对低于标准的护理的审查,导致痴呆症患者死亡。 A New Zealand care facility faced scrutiny for substandard care that led to a dementia patient's death.
发现一家新西兰护理设施Elmswood护理中心为一名痴呆症患者提供低于标准的护理,该患者后来死于化粪池休克和细胞炎。 A New Zealand care facility, Elmswood Care Centre, was found to provide substandard care to a dementia patient who later died from septic shock and cellulitis. 老年护理专员Carolyn Cooper报告了系统性问题和对病人权利的侵犯,包括工作人员反应不足和缺乏及时的医疗干预。 The Aged Care Commissioner, Carolyn Cooper, reported systemic issues and breaches of the patient's rights, including inadequate staff responses and lack of timely medical intervention. 拥有者大洋洲保健机构承认调查结果,并正在处理这些问题。 Oceania Healthcare, the owner, acknowledged the findings and is addressing the issues.