在曼彻斯特Piccadilly站,铁路的入侵者造成了重大延误和取消。 A trespasser on the railway caused major delays and cancellations at Manchester Piccadilly station.
Levenshulme 附近铁路上的一名闯入者在曼彻斯特皮卡迪利车站造成了重大中断,导致包括 Northern 和 Avanti 在内的多家运营商的火车取消和延误。 A trespasser on the railway near Levenshulme caused significant disruptions at Manchester Piccadilly station, leading to train cancellations and delays across various operators, including Northern and Avanti. 曼彻斯特机场和皮卡迪利之间的所有线路被关闭数小时,预计服务将受到影响,直到当天晚些时候。 All lines between Manchester Airport and Piccadilly were closed for hours, with services expected to remain affected until late in the day. 建议乘客在中断期间考虑其他运输办法,例如Metrolink电车。 Passengers are advised to consider alternative transport options, such as Metrolink trams, during this disruption.