Derry的4名蒙面男子于7月30日损坏了一栋房屋和一辆车, 4 masked men in Derry damaged a house and car on July 30th, police urge witnesses to contact them.
7月30日晚上10点50分前, 4名蒙面男子被怀疑在北爱尔兰Derry, 对一栋房屋和一辆车造成严重破坏, 4 masked men suspected in Derry, Northern Ireland, caused significant damage to a house and car, smashing windows and damaging a vehicle before 10.50 pm on July 30th. 警方正在敦促证人或任何知情人通过101、1920参考书目101或匿名与他们联系,或匿名与 " 犯罪制止者 " 联系。 Police are urging witnesses or anyone with information to contact them via 101, reference 1920, or anonymously to Crimestoppers. 未报告有人受伤。 No injuries were reported.