墨尔本警方调查了两起死亡案,其中一起发生在小学附近,因为嫌疑人被拘押。 Melbourne police investigate two deaths, one near a primary school, as a suspect is held.
一名男子被发现死在墨尔本外西边一所小学附近,导致凶杀案调查。 A man was found dead near a primary school in Melbourne's outer-west, leading to a homicide investigation. 据信受害人已经知道的嫌疑人正在羁押中。 A suspect, believed to be known to the victim, is in custody. 警方正在寻找任何来自证人的闭路电视或破片摄像头录像,并鼓励公众匿名与犯罪制止者联系。 Police are seeking any CCTV or dash-cam footage from witnesses and encourage the public to contact Crime Stoppers anonymously. 在另一起事件中,在Mallee地区的一个小城镇附近也发现了一具尸体,引发了另一次调查。 In a separate incident, a body was also discovered near a small town in the Mallee region, prompting another investigation.