飓风海伦 (Helene) 摧毁了田纳西州纽波特,造成 227 人死亡,恢复工作正在进行中。 227 killed, Hurricane Helene devastates Newport, Tennessee, with ongoing recovery efforts.
海伦飓风造成的死亡人数已达227人,恢复工作正在进行。 The death toll from Hurricane Helene has reached 227, with recovery efforts ongoing. 灾后后果严重影响到田纳西州纽波特等地区,那里的洪水摧毁了房屋和建筑物。 The aftermath has severely impacted areas like Newport, Tennessee, where flooding has devastated homes and buildings. 随着各小组努力处理飓风造成的破坏,预计恢复将是一个漫长和资源密集型的过程。 Recovery is expected to be a lengthy and resource-intensive process as teams work to address the destruction caused by the hurricane. 情况仍然不断变化,随着评估的继续,死亡人数可能会增加。 The situation remains dynamic, and the number of fatalities may increase as assessments continue.