全国各地的面包店都在为总统选举举行曲奇民调 特朗普领先的销售额 Bakeries nationwide are holding cookie polls for the presidential election, with Trump leading sales.
美国各地的几家面包店正为即将到来的总统选举举行奇特的饼干民意测验, Several bakeries across the U.S. are hosting whimsical cookie polls for the upcoming presidential election, featuring cookies shaped like candidates' faces. 在州立大学,唐纳德·特朗普在饼干销售中领先。 In State College, Donald Trump leads in cookie sales. 同时,曼尼诺在密歇根的面包店展出特朗普 卖了856个饼干 之后是卡玛拉哈里斯和狮子队教练丹·坎贝尔 Meanwhile, Mannino's Bakery in Michigan shows Trump ahead with 856 cookies sold, followed by Kamala Harris and Lions coach Dan Campbell. 红翼,明尼苏达州的面包店 报道说有一个巨大的特朗普领先, 6 743 售出。 Red Wing, Minnesota's bakery reports a significant Trump lead, with 6,743 sold. 这些竞赛旨在让顾客参与一场轻心的政治讨论。 These contests aim to engage customers in a light-hearted political discussion.