北卡罗来纳州选举办公室收到了可疑的饼干,引发了紧急反应和调查。 North Carolina elections office received suspicious cookies, triggering an emergency response and investigation.
由于对他们的安全担忧, 北卡罗来纳州的选举办公室收到了一包"谢谢"饼干, A North Carolina elections office received a package of "thank you" cookies that triggered an emergency response due to concerns about their safety. 这一事件引起惊恐,促使地方当局彻底调查局势。 The incident raised alarm and prompted local authorities to investigate the situation thoroughly. 没有披露任何潜在威胁的进一步详情或饼干的来源,突出表明对选举相关活动的警惕度提高。 No further details about any potential threats or the source of the cookies were disclosed, highlighting the heightened vigilance surrounding election-related activities.