英国办公室烘焙比赛在曼斯菲尔德、米尔顿凯恩斯和班伯里镇启动。 UK office baking competition launched in Mansfield, Milton Keynes, and Banbury towns.
在包括曼斯菲尔德、米尔顿·凯恩斯和班伯里在内的联合王国若干城镇发起了一项竞赛,以寻找最好的办公室面包师。 A competition has been launched across several UK towns, including Mansfield, Milton Keynes, and Banbury, to find the best office baker. 这一举措邀请当地面包师展示自己的技能,促进各办事处之间的友好竞争。 This initiative invites local bakers to showcase their skills and contribute to a friendly rivalry among offices. 鼓励来自不同地点的参与者参加并展示他们的烘烤才能。 Participants from various locations are encouraged to join in and demonstrate their baking talents.