National Grid警告东中地居民在Bonfire夜间庆典期间避开电线。 National Grid warns East Midlands residents to avoid power lines during Bonfire Night celebrations.
11月5日Bonfire夜, 国家电网供电公司建议东中地居民远离电力基础设施, National Grid Electricity Distribution is advising residents in the East Midlands to stay clear of electrical infrastructure during Bonfire Night on November 5. 他们警告说,在电力线附近的烟火和营火可造成严重伤害和停电。 They warn that fireworks and bonfires near power lines can cause serious injuries and power outages. 该公司发布了安全提示,强调庆祝活动必须远离电气设备,在白天检查危险区。 The company has issued safety tips, emphasizing the importance of keeping celebrations away from electrical equipment and checking the area for hazards in daylight.