奥克兰警方在Papatoetoe调查了一起袭击事件,造成两人受伤,其中一人伤势严重。 Auckland police investigate an assault in Papatoetoe that left two injured, one critically.
奥克兰警方正在调查在Papatooetoe郊区发生的一起攻击事件,造成两人受伤,其中一人伤势严重。 Police in Auckland are investigating an assault in the Papatoetoe suburb that left two people injured, one critically. 事件发生在下午1时20分左右,地点在东塔马基Rd的一个商业地点,受害者遭到不明身份武器的袭击。 The incident occurred around 1:20 PM at a commercial location on East Tamaki Rd., where the victims were attacked with an unidentified weapon. 这两人被送往医院治疗,当局证实使用的武器不是火器。 Both individuals were taken to the hospital for treatment, and authorities confirmed that the weapon used was not a firearm.