苏格兰警察联合会因薪酬不满而撤销了官员的良好信任. Scottish Police Federation withdraws goodwill from officers over pay dissatisfaction.
苏格兰警察联合会(SPF)由于对薪酬和条件不满,将从星期五下午5时起撤回对警官的善意。 The Scottish Police Federation (SPF) will withdraw goodwill from police officers starting at 5 PM on Friday due to dissatisfaction with pay and conditions. 虽然警察不能罢工,但他们将严格遵守轮班,不把个人防护设备带回家。 While officers can't strike, they will adhere strictly to shifts and not take personal protective equipment home. 社工基金声称苏格兰政府提出的4.75%的薪酬条件不足,而政府则认为,在财政拮据的情况下,这是公平的。 The SPF claims the Scottish Government's 4.75% pay offer is inadequate, while the government argues it is fair amid financial constraints. 这一情况反映了官员与政府之间的持续紧张关系。 The situation reflects ongoing tensions between officers and the government.