维多利亚,澳大利亚警方威胁 20年后首次罢工 超过工资,工作条件。 Victoria, Australia police threaten first strike in 20 years over pay, working conditions.
澳大利亚维多利亚的警官在20多年来首次威胁要罢工,超过工资和工作条件。 Police officers in Victoria, Australia, are threatening to strike for the first time in over 20 years over pay and working conditions. 军官希望四年内加薪24%,轮班8.5小时。 Officers want a 24% pay increase over four years and 8.5-hour shifts. 该工业行动从警察学院和Broadmeadows派出所30分钟停工开始,旨在将政府推回到谈判桌前。 The industrial action, starting with 30-minute stoppages at the police academy and Broadmeadows station, aims to push the government back to the negotiating table. 尽管罢工,警官仍会响应紧急呼叫。 Despite the strike, officers will still respond to emergency calls. 公平工作委员会目前正在对争议进行审查。 The dispute is now under review by the Fair Work Commission.