英格兰和威尔士的监狱自残事件创历史新高,平均每7分钟发生一起,2024年对工作人员的袭击增加了30%。 Prison self-harm incidents in England and Wales hit a record high, averaging one every seven minutes, with assaults on staff increasing by 30% in 2024.
英格兰和威尔士监狱的自残事件创历史新高,每7分钟发生一起,到2024年6月,全年共发生76 000起。 Self-harm incidents in prisons in England and Wales have reached a record high, with one occurring every seven minutes, totaling 76,000 cases in the year to June 2024. 对监狱工作人员的攻击也猛增30%,达到10 281起,是21年来最高的。 Assaults on prison staff also surged by 30%, reaching 10,281 incidents, the highest in 21 years. 其中近1 000起是严重的,每1 000名囚犯中严重攻击事件增加24%。 Nearly 1,000 of these were serious, with a 24% increase in serious assaults per 1,000 prisoners. 官员们将这种情况描述为一场“危机”,需要紧急改革,以实现更安全、更有效的恢复。 Officials describe the situation as a "crisis" needing urgent reforms for safer, more effective rehabilitation.